Real-time Hybrid Simulations of a Large-scale Steel Structure with Nonlinear Viscous Dampers
NEESR project entitled NEESR-CR: Performance-Based Design for
Cost-Effective Seismic Hazard Mitigation in New Buildings Using
Supplemental Passive Damper Systems (PI: Richard Sause) is currently
conducting a series of large-scale real-time hybrid simulations (RTHS)
on a 3-story steel frame building at the Real-time Multi-directional
(RTMD) Earthquake Simulation Facility, the Lehigh NEES Equipment Site.
The goal for this NEESR project is to develop
a validated, probabilistic, performance-based seismic design procedure
for buildings with passive damping systems.The
RTHS data will be used to observe and understand the interactions of
the viscous dampers with the braces, beams, and columns of the
experimental substructure as well as the interactions
between the steel frame with the dampers and the rest of the building.
The project team has developed detailed analytical (numerical
simulation) models of the prototype building with nonlinear viscous
dampers, and the RTHS data will be used to validate the
models. RTHS
will take place February 21 – 22, 2013 between 1 and 4 pm EST. The RTHS
test matrix includes conducting a series of simulations using an
ensemble of 13 earthquake records at the design
basis earthquake (DBE) level. The RTHS can be viewed by telepresence,
where webcams and the Real-Time Data Viewer can be used to view video,
data and animation of the response of the building acquired from the
RTHS. To learn more or to remotely participate,
go to the following link ( Result (including video) from completed tests will also be archived and
available at the previous link and through the Project Warehouse on Also,
follow us on Facebook to get up to the minute simulation updates from our
research team.
project is a collaborative effort that includes California State
University, Northridge; California State Polytechnic University, Pomoma;
Lehigh University; The Pennsylvania State University,
Erie; and Tokyo Institute of Technology. Industry partners include
Corry Rubber Company, Taylor Devices, Miyamoto International, Inc. and
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. More information about the above NEESR project can be found
here. You are encouraged to visit the
RTMD website to learn about the capabilities of the Lehigh NEES Equipment Site and completed and
ongoing research projects. Data can be accessed at NEEShub for the
completed projects.
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