Friday, September 07, 2012

Symposium on “Seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges”

Symposium on “Seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges” is being organized by Prof. Andreas Kappos, within the framework of the COMPDYN 2013 conference that is organized under the auspices of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). This is the fourth conference in the COMDYN series and will take place from 12 to 14 June 2013 at the Kos International Convention Centre (KICC) in the beautiful island of Kos.

An abstract of no more than an A4 page can be submitted by 29 October 2012, following the instructions given at the Conference website (see address above) and making sure that you indicate that the abstract is submitted for MS14 (Mini-Symposium 14)

The Symposium will focus on the seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges, with emphasis on analytical/computational methods that fit well the scope of COMPDYN, but relevant experimental studies will also be welcome; presentations will include, among others, recent work carried out on this topic by members of two international groups dealing with this issue, the EAEE Task Group 11 ‘Seismic design, assessment, and retrofit of Bridges’(, and the IABSE Working Group 7 ‘Earthquake Resistant Structures’ (

It is aimed that the Symposium will constitute a forum for the exchange of research results and ideas on currently available procedures and their applicability to the seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges. As such, pertinent issues such as modelling of bridge members strengthened using different techniques, modelling of interfaces, calibration of models against tests results, etc, will be amongst the topics open to debate and scrutiny. Hence the Symposium will provide a valuable contribution to the further development and implementation of methodologies for the seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges and contribute to risk reduction in these critical structures.

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